Stella’s Place exists and continues to grow thanks to the inspired vision and generosity of many individuals—people like you who have made this possible. Thank You!
Visionary ($1,000,000 +):
Comart Foundation, Green Sanderson Family Foundation, Greenrock Charitable Trust, Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, Mrs. Goldie Feldman, The Karen Green Charitable Trust, The Lindy Green Family Charitable Foundation, Toronto Youth Equity Strategy–City of Toronto
Founding Partner ($500,000 to $999,999):
Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities, Minto Foundation, Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, RBC Foundation
Core Partner ($250,000 to $499,999):
Anonymous Family, Aubrey & Marla Dan Foundation, Diane Blake & Stephen Smith, George Brown College, Lori McBurney, Scotiabank, The Azrieli Foundation, Toronto Urban Health Fund (TUHF)
Community Leader ($100,000 to $249,999):
BMO Financial Group, Choice Cares Toronto Campaign, Echo Foundation, Employment and Social Development Canada, Lang Family Foundation, Paul and Norah Oulahen, The Fyfe Foundation, The Maddie Project, The McLean Foundation, The Warren And Debbie Kimel Family Foundation, Toronto Foundation
Building Partner ($50,000 to $99,999):
C.A. Delaney Capital Management Ltd., Canadian Mental Health Association, Strides (East Metro Youth Services), FRAYME, Griggs Family Foundation at Toronto Foundation, Holdbest Foundation, Invesco, Kenneth and Norah Rae, Leo & Sala Goldhar Fund, Moffat Foundation Inc., Navigator Ltd., Norine Rose, Sinai Health System Swartz Reisman Emergency Medicine Institute, Telus Friendly Future Foundation, The Dalglish Family Foundation, The Home Depot Canada Foundation, The Sprott Foundation
Champion ($25,000 to $49,999):
Alan Greenberg, Anonymous, Barry and Laurie Green Family Charitable Trust, Bealight Foundation, BELL Canada, CIBC, Earl Gorman, John and Jocelyn Barford Family Foundation, Kari MacKay, Lindsay Family Fund, LiUNA Local 183, Marylee O’Neill, RBC Wealth Management, Scott and Sasha Sandler, Stephen and Cookie Sandler, ScotiaMcLeod, The Christina Mary Hendrie Trust, Verdiroc Holdings Ltd., The Ralph M. Barford Foundation, Wagner Green Charitable Trust, WC Kitchen Family Foundation
Patron ($10,000 to $24,999):
Beutel Goodman Charitable Foundation, Canadian Hadassah WIZO Toronto Centre, Canso Investment Counsel Ltd., Chris Kresic Foundation, Dairy Farmers of Ontario, David J. Matlow Professional Corporation, DDBX Toronto, Ellen Titus, Gavin Ivory, Geoffrey Seaborn, Grace Vidal-Ribas, Graham Boeckh Foundation, Jack and Rika Alvo, Janet Saunderson, J.P. Bickell Foundation, John and Deborah Swain, Koskie Minsky LLP, Judy Winberg, lululemon athletica Canada inc., Martha Tory, Mary Martin, Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre, MopGarden, Nacora International Insurance Brokers, Nancy Peterson, Nancy Seto, Nixon Charitable Foundation, Raizi & George Fleischmann, Richard Tse, RP Investment Advisors LP, Ronald James Martin, Smith S.H.A.R.E. Foundation, Sun Life Financial, The Allen and Milli Gould Family Foundation, The Ben and Hilda Katz Charitable Foundation, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, The Legends League Inc., The Mark Daniels and Andrea Weissman-Daniels Charitable Foundation, The Mechanical Contractors Association of Toronto (MCAT), The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company, UA Local 46 Toronto and United Association Local 46 Plumbers & Steamfitters Toronto and their members, Victoria Birkett & David Ceolin
Friend ($5,000 to $9,999):
Aird & Berlis LLP, Bounsall Family Foundation, Bruno Billio, Bruce Beauchamp Memorial Fund at the Toronto Foundation, Carl Spiess, Carol Gray, Cheryl and Stephen Phillips, Compass Group Canada, Coulter Osborne, Crowdriff, Dana Colson, Frank J. Seger Holdings Ltd, Fela Grunwald, Hann Family Charitable Foundation, Genus Capital Management Inc., GS1 Canada, Hendrik Wondergem, Holy Noir, IMS Insurance Marketing Services Ltd., Jamie Goad, JBS Foundation Inc., Jewish Foundation UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, Joanne Nadal, John Byrne, Kaatza Foundation, Karen Green, Karen Rosenberg, LiUNA Local 506, Lisa Moses, Maureen Flanagan, Marianne Seger, Marc Morisset, Markel, Martha McCarthy & Company, Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, MNP LLP, Ontario Wealth Management Corporation, Otto & Marie Pick Charitable Foundation, Paula Schipper, Pastel Labs Inc., Peter Wijnbergen, Red Hat Inc., Shibayle Owemanco Charitable Foundation, Sound Solutions, Sue Murtagh and Sandy Smith, Stephen Levitt, Talya & Jeffrey Baum Fund, The Andree Rheaume and Robert Fitzhenry Family Foundation, The Awesome Music Project, The Barb Morel Foundation, The Henry White Kinnear Foundation, The Insurance Bureau of Canada, The Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky Gluskin Charitable Foundation, Unilock Ltd., Walter Moffat, Youth Employment Services YES, YPI Canada
“We were impressed with Stella’s Place’s ability to adapt quickly and effectively with an unwavering commitment to their community and their needs. This is why our family foundation, in addition to supporting the BeanBagChat application, decided to kick off Mental Health Week with a matching gift challenge of $100,000.”
-Aubrey & Marla Dan Foundation

“I’ve heard a multitude of talents and a spirit of expression coming to the surface in these young people. Having been to the psychiatric wards of CAMH, Sunnybrook, St. Michael’s, and even hospitals in the US, I want to tell you how unique this environment is. A very hopeful and welcoming space, not clinical, not threatening”
-Norah Oulahen