Welcome to My Next Chapter!
You’ve lived through some hard things, you turned the page, and now you want to help others do the same. Sound familiar? Then My Next Chapter is for you.
My Next Chapter is the Stella’s Place Peer Support Training Program. Comprehensive and free, our program helps individuals aged 18-29 build their personal peer support practice based on the pillars of compassion, cultural inclusivity and understanding, and community building.
Our training takes place once a week over 4 months. Each training group has a maximum of 15 people each. It’s intensive, in-person, and intimate.
Criteria to Apply
18-29 years old
Living in the Toronto Area (Preference for applicants living in M postal codes. Some exceptions made on a case by case basis)
Lived experience with a mental health issue
Received peer support (from family/friend, or someone you connected with through school, community, drop-in program, work, volunteer, in a healthcare setting, or any other environment)
Passionate about peer support and/or social services
Far enough along on your recovery journey to talk about and hear about mental health issues with a group of people you don’t know
Would like to be in a welcoming, attentive environment to speak about your experience as a member of a marginalized group
Have the support and/or tools you need to self-regulate both inside and outside the training, in the event you are activated or triggered during training
Able to commit 6 hour per week to training over approximately 4 months
Want to contribute to a space where everyone is both a learner and a teacher
- Can attend 75% of sessions to receive certificate
Applications open November 26th, 2024 and close January 3rd, 2025!
Interested in applying but unable to attend the upcoming cohort? Sign up for our interest list to be notified of the next round of applications.

“Through my own lived experience, I have defined a lifelong goal; I want the experiences of people who look like me to be seen, believed, heard and understood. My journey through peer support has given me the skills, empathy and purpose to take on my goal every day.”
–Chukuka Ebuta, Peer Initiatives Coordinator
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Peer Support?
Peer support is a practice in which a person who has lived experience of mental health either themselves, as a family member, or a caretaker intentionally supports other people on their recovery journey.
What will I learn?
Lots! Here are just a few things:
The Spectrum of Mental Health
How to listen intentionally
Power, Privilege, and Oppression
Social Determinants of Health
Inclusion and Diversity
All the ins and outs of relationships with peers
How to lead with compassion
Career expectations
So much more, we can’t fit it all here!
What does it cost?
Nothing! The program is completely free.
How big is the program?
We accept a maximum of 15 participants per cohort and have an application process to be part of the program.
How long does it take?
Training takes 4 months in total.
When will it take place?
Training takes place once a week, from 10:00 A.M – 4:00 P.M.
There will be two 15 minute breaks and an hour of lunch.
I have more questions. Who should I speak to?
Send your questions to learning@stellasplace.ca